Sunday, 15 September 2013

Ruskasa II

 Love the elegant simplicity of these chairs by Ruskasa.

1 comment:

  1. Hazel, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog today, in fact found a wonderful video on the Craft Skills Awards through your blog. Thank you for this blog. Lots of interesting makers here. I saved a couple of your posts on my Pinterest board, Warmth of Wood, as well as included a link to your blog in a post I wrote today about passing our crafts skills to the younger generation. I write my own blog, and I maintain a website/blog for the Helena Woodworkers Guild in Montana, USA. I'm sure some of our members will land on your furniture blog out of interest in what's happening in the Scotland furniture craft world. I don't think I will post a link to our blog here because it might be considered spam. I will come back to read more. Got through about page 6 of your blog.
